Inspiration from structures 1 2

We conducted a small workshop for our Design students to let us know how they get Inspiration for their Jewellery design.

We receive overwhelming responses from our students, it is very interesting to see what are the different sources from where these students get inspiration.

Below are the responses of few students.


Pooja Vishwakarma

Look at other designs for inspiration- Obviously, this does not mean copying outright another designer’s jewelry ideas. You don’t have to limit yourself.  You’ll find more inspiration by looking at pieces with different themes and concepts, or different types of metals and gemstones.

Stay in touch with the latest fashions- We should not limit ourselves to fashion trends in clothing and jewelry. We must take a look at trends in architecture, film, music, and other industries that affect fashion trends as well.

Follow jewelry blogs- Reading jewelry blogs for what’s new in jewelry design is another effective way to find inspiration. There are many excellent writers out there who can keep you updated on the latest innovations, design ideas, trends, and fashions.


Archana Patel

Start sketching- Sometimes, all you need to doto find your creative spark isto just start sketching. Sometimes it’s themixing of ideas when you lookback at your sketches, orsimply using  ofideas that have been on yourmind that allows yourcreativity to flow again.

Way of life- In India, there are severaltrending inspirations thatcan be transformed into the design of jewellery. Youcan get inspiration fromthe way of life of the people,how they dress, how they make a visualrepresentation of it. For example, an Indian saree with all of its beautiful colors & patterns can be used as an inspiration to be transformed into jewellery.

Social media- With the vast trend in Indianmovies, inspiration is being takenfrom these movies, series, cartoons and aretransformed into jewellery sketches.Jewellery showcase inmovies such as Padmavat, Jodha Akbar, Bajirao Mastani amongothers turned out to betrendsetters for the season.


Pushpa Devi

Inspiration from Nature– A designer can get inspiration from natural resources like birds, trees, shells, and all that God-gifted nature. It can be in the form of a bird feather, a bright flower, the patterns on a butterfly, or the colors of the sky when the sunsets.

Exhibitions- A great source of inspiration can also come from exhibitions, be it in art or fashion, books, a visit to the markets, magazines, pictures, catalogs.


Jyoti Singh

Sketching- Planning any ideas to circulate, pencil or pen is needed. Similarly, for sketching or scribbling, we need the ability to visualize and analyze the concept. So, once the inspiration is achieved, half the work is completed.

Workshops- It helps a designer to develop a new skill set. It helps to create new ways of thinking, new skills, new ideas, having fun while learning. 


Vaishali Upadhyay

Designing involves skill, creativity, originality with an ability to visualize ideas Observing, recording and analyzing from things around us.

Natural Sources- Nature is an endless ocean of ideas. We can capture the inspirations from an animal on the run, a bird in flight, blooming flowers, butterflies, insects, or fish.

Historical Sources- Inspiration can be taken from museums, historical monuments, libraries, sculptures, Vases, calligraphy paintings, and artifacts. All the recent creativity is a blend of ancient with modern ideas.

Themes & Concepts- If a designer thinks with an open mind he/she can express a variety of themes from Magazines, catalogs, books, photographs, visits to jewelry stores, exhibitions.

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