Annual Exhibition of Jewellery by Graduating Students, IIGJ Mumbai

Annual Exhibition of Jewellery by Graduating Students, IIGJ Mumbai

Dates: 7th to 9th July 2022

The eagerly awaited annual exhibition of the Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery (IIGJ) Mumbai, known as Glimpz, was inaugurated on 7th July 2022, at IIGJ Campus, MIDC, Andheri East, Mumbai 400093. Each year the Glimpz exhibition showcases brilliant, trendsetting designs created by graduating students of the prestigious institution. Each design on display not only undergoes a rigorous process of evaluation by in-house faculty but is also assessed by renowned industry experts.

Theme: This year’s theme for the Batch 2019-2022 was Nisarga…Unveiling Nature, based on creative exploration of the awe-inspiring wonders of nature. At the beginning of the project, students were divided into 6 groups and given themes: Texture Nouveau, Extraterrestrial, Expression of Rust, Bio-Essence, Ombré Oeuvre and Geometric Haul. They were encouraged to get their inspiration from nature. From visualisation of each of their 5 pieces of jewellery to manufacturing and finishing their products and displaying them in unique ways. 2 of the 5 pieces are handmade and the balance 3 are made by casting.

IIGJ’s long-standing connection with the industry was further strengthened by 2 renowned gem and jewellery companies providing support: 

1. Kamaschachter – Mentored the students for design development according to industry standards, and,

2. Sun Jewels –Sponsored the CAM part of the production process. 

Award Categories and Winners:

Best Design Collection – Ms. Prachi Shah 

Best Craftsmanship (Handmade) – Ms. Sanjana Singha 

Best Craftsmanship (Casted) – Mr. Aman Agarwal 

Best Commercially Viable Collection – Ms. Hriti Kothari & Ms. Aboli Sharma 

Best Innovative Product (Pendant & Ring) – Mr. Suryansh Garg 

Best Visual Merchandising (Group) Extraterrestrial (Ms.Heer Shah, Ms.Vaishnavi Divate, Mr.Sourav Rana, Ms.Ayushi Dhariwal, Ms.Diya Rathod and Mr.Suryansh Garg) 

Best Lookbook – Ms. Diya Rathod

Chief Guest Mr. Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC: Speaking at the Awards Ceremony held on 9th July 2022, Mr. Colin Shah said, “I am happy to know that there has been an inclusive effort from the institute and other stakeholders to train the students and make them ready for the industry. I am impressed with the skills exhibited by the graduating students setting benchmark for the future graduating students.” 

Members of the Jury Panel:

  • Ms. Nirupa Bhatt, Consultant and Coach to the gems & jewellery industry,
  • Ms. Sonia Grinceri, who was the Regional Director of the Western Australian Government Trade and Investment Office, India from 2001 to 2006. She started her career as a high school teacher in Australia and has been passionate about education since. She expressed her admiration for the well-designed curriculum at IIGJ.
  • Mr. Dharmesh Rathod, Merchandiser (Product Development), Malabar Gold & Diamonds.